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No. 68 of 1955.

(3) The use of a building shall be deemed to be materially changed—

(a) where the carrying out of building works for the erection of a building intended for such use would have contravened the provisions of this Ordinance; or
(b) where the Building Authority could have refused his consent to the carrying out of such works under paragraph (c) of subsection (6) of section 9.

Dangerous buildings. 17. (1) Where in the opinion of the Building Authority any building has been rendered dangerous or liable to become dangerous by fire, wind, rain, dilapidation, use, lack of fire escapes or any other cause, the Building Authority may Form order in writing in the prescribed form served on the owner declare such building to be dangerous or liable to become dangerous.

(2) Such order may—

(a) require the demolition of the whole or part of such building;
(b) require that the building be made safe generally;
(c) specify work that must be done to make such building safe;
(d) require that shoring shall be erected and may specify the manner and location thereof;
(e) require a fence or hoarding for the protection of the public;
(f) require the closure of such building; and
(g) specify the time within which such requirements are to be complied with.

(3) Where the owner of a dangerous building cannot be found or fails to comply with the requirements of an order served under this section, the Building Authority may carry out or cause to be carried out the work specified in such order or such other work as he considers to be necessary and the cost thereof shall be recoverable from the owner.

(4) In cases of emergency the Building Authority may carry out or cause to be carried out such work as may appear to him to be necessary either without notice to the owner, or before or