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He looked east, he looked west, he’s ta’en another look,
And there he spied a fair maid a-swimming in a brook.
And sing clear away the morning dew, &c.

O do not touch my mantle, but let my cloaths alone,
And you shall have a good reward if you conduct me home.
And sing clear away the morning dew, &c.

He has lifted her upon a milk-white steed, himself upon another,
And all the way they rode along, like sister and like brother.
And sing clear away the morning dew, &c.

And as they rode along the way, they spied some cocks of hay,
And is not this a pleasant place for men and maids to stray.
And sing clear away the morning dew, &c.

O do not touch my mantle, but let my cloaths alone,
And you shall get a good reward if you conduct me home.
And sing clear away the morning dew, &c.

When she came to her father’s gates she tirled with the pin,
nimble was the proud porter to let this fair maid in,
And sing clear sway the moving dew, &c.