Page:Busbecq, Travels into Turkey (1744).pdf/277

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was, lest on this Occasion he should be carried back to Constantinople: He was of Opinion that the Bashaws had not dealt sincerely in his Case, but had made only a Pretence of releasing him to gratify me, and really sought an Occasion to drag him back again, to rot in Prison. For the same Cause, he was much offended with my Servant who had wounded the Janizary, especially for saying, That he was very sorry that he had not killed him upon the Spot. His Words to him were these; Honest Henry, Prithee be not so Passionate; 'tis no Time nor Place to shew thy Valour here; we must bear Affronts patiently, without any just Imputation of Cowardice, whether we will or no; we are in their Power: This unreasonable Passion may bring great Mischief to us; perhaps it may occasion us to be brought back to Constantinople, and there our whole Negotiation may be reversed, or at least become very dubious. I beseech thee, therefore, for my Sake among the rest, govern thy Passion.

But Henry was deaf to all his Persuasions; he being an obstinate Fellow, and when angry, would not hearken to Reason. What care I, replied he, if I had killed him? Did he not design to kill me? If one of his many Blows had gone home, he had knock'd me down like an Ox. Were I to be blamed, if I slew him who would have slain me first? I am sorry with all my Heart, I did not give him his Death's Wound: But, for the future (take my Word for it) I'll spare never a Turk of them all; for, if he assaults me, I'll give him as good as he brings, though it cost me my Life.

DE Sande did not like this surly Answer; but the Janizary who had received the Wound, made the worst of it; upon whose Complaint, two Jews, who could speak Spanish, came to me, and told me, that he was dangerously hurt, and if he did not