Page:Cæsarea; or, A Discourse of the Island of Jersey.djvu/10

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The First Part. Chap. i — ^The Description of Jersey, the nature of y! Soile, number of Inhabitants, theire occupations, hauens, Townes, fortifications & other principall things therein conteined 3 Chap. ii — Monuments of Antiquity to be seene in Jersey... 8 Chap. iii — The Situation of the Island, of Springs, Fish, Game, &c 12 Chap. iv. — Of Vraie. The seasons of gathering it, & y^ seuerall uses of it 17 Chap. V. — Of fences, digging the ground for beanes & past- neps; the particular vse of y* roote 20 Chap. vi. — Of Orchards and Cydar presses and the manner of ordering Cydar 24 Chap. vij. — Of Buildings both priuate and publick, &c. ... 28 Chap. viij. — Of the Priuiledges belonging to y1 Islands. First of Ciuill Jurisdiction 34 Chap. ix. — Of the Priviledges belonging to y? Islands ... 44 Chap. X. — Continuation of Priuiledges 50 Chap. xi. — Of the Priuiledge of Neutrality ... Chap. xii. — Continuacon of Priuiledges Chap. xiii. — Of the Gouemour Chap. xiiij. — Of the Kings Reuenue in Jersey... Chap. XV. — Of things Detrimentall 52 61 65 68 74

The Second Part of the Treatise conceming the Islands, conteining Historxcaïl Fragments & Obseruations of State & Religion before the Conquest Chap. i.— 79 Chap. ii. — Of Guemezey, Serc, Arme or Erm, &c 83 Chap. iii. — Of Sampson, Archbishop of Dol, & of the En- tailing of 4 Islands to his Sea, &c 87 Chap. iiij. — The Conuersion of Jersey & Serc from heathenisme to y^ Christian Religion by Maglorius Bp. of Dol 91