Page:CAB Accident Report, Continental Airlines Flight 290.pdf/2

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The flight crew con51st1ng of a captaln and first offlcer, were properly certlflcated, currently quallfled, and regularly employed by Contlnental Alr Lines.

The preparatlon for fllght from Mldland to Kansas Clty was routine. The weat} forecast 1ssued the crew 1ncluded the followlng algnlflcant 1nformatlon. The Con- tlnental Alr Llnes' Termlnal Area Forecast transmltted at 1445 m.s.t., for Kansas Clty was: 2,000 feet scattered varlable to broken, 3,500 feet overcast, v151b111ty 10 mlles wlth oneselonal very llght snow, wlnd north to north-northwest at l0 knot. gustlng to 20 knots. At 1900, 3,500 feet scattered varlable to broken, 10,000 fee broken; Vlslblllty 10 mlles, wlnd north—northwest 15 knots gustlng to 22 knots. At 2100; llttle change, wind northwest 15 knots, temperature range 25° to 50F. The Contlnental Alr Llnes Condltlons Aloft Forecast valld untll 0200, January 30, 1963 predlcted "moderate to heavy mlxed lclng below 5,000 feet 1n southern Kansas and Oklahoma."

The fllght proceeded as Scheduled Wlth no reported dlfflcultJes to Tulsa, Okl home, arr1v1ng at 2120.

After 1ts arrlval at Tulsa the alrcraft was serv1ced wlth 1,391 pounds of fue No other malntenance was requested or performed Informatlon furnlshed the pilot showed the takeoff weight to be 57,483 pounds whlch 1ncluded 11,040 pounds of fuel and 9,030 pounds of payload. Both the gross welght and center of grav1ty (c.g.) w computed to be Withln allowable llm1ts at takeoff.

CAL 290 departed Tulsa at 2154. The fllght was cleared under Instrument Fllg Rules (IFR) to the Butler, Mlssourl VCR, v1a Vlctor 161 (alrway), to malntaln 9,0C feet untll reachlng the Watova Intersectlon, then to cllmb to and malntaln 11,000 feet. After takeoff CAL 290 was provlded radar vectors to 1ntercept Vlctor 161 ar was released to the control of the St. Louls Center after pa551ng Watova.

The flight was routine untll the landlng approach. Approachlng Kansas Clty, a radar handoff from St. Lou1s Center to Olathe radar approach control was accomp] and the fllght glven further clearance to descend. The fllght was dlreoted to crc Pleasant H111 Intersection and malntaln 5,000 feet. The altlmeter setting was gJJ as 30.24. The crew reported leav1ng 9,500 feet at 2225. After reporting passing Pleasant H111 at 5,000 feet the fllght was turned over to Kansas Clty Approach Co: and 1nstructed to maintaln 5,000 feet, depart Blue Sprlngs (VCR) on a headlng of , degrees, whlch was a radar vector to the Instrument Landlng System (ILS) flnal apg course. The altimeter settlng was glven as 30.32, the wlnd 360 degrees at 9 knot‘ and the fllght was 1nstructed to c1rcle and land on runway 36. These instructions were acknowledged and the crew requested the altlmeter setting be repeated Thls was done and the crew acknowledged with the correct settlng. The fllght was therl cleared to 2,500 feet, vectored to a pOlflt one mile north of the outer marker on fanal approach, and transferred to the local controller who cleared the fllght t() land. The flight crew questloned the controller whether thls landlng clearance w. for a stralght—ln landlng. The controller adv1sed them they could make a stralgh 1n landlng 1f they wished and gave the wlnd as 360 degrees at 6 knots The crew replied that they would land stralght 1n on runway 18. ThlS was the last transmi received from the alrcraft.