Page:CAB Accident Report, Pacific Air Lines Flight 773.pdf/2

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N2770H arrived at Reno, Nevada, the previous day at 191.0 aerlight 756 from San Francisco International Airport. After its arrival, the aircraft was refueled with approximately 261.] gallons of kerosene bringing total fuel aho =rd to approximately 751; gallons. Tests of fuel samples taken from under- ground fuel storage tanks and refueling trucks used in the refueling of N27701:! disolosed no contamination. The crews of other aircraft, which had been re- fueled from the same sources, reported no fuel problems.

Persons who had contact with the crew of Flight 773 at Reno on the morning of may 7, 1961., noted nothing unusual during their preparation for the flight. Both the captain and first officer were cheerful and their behavior was, in all respects, as observed on previous occasions.

Thirty-three passengers boarded Flight 773 at Reno, Nevada, for the flight to. Stockton. The crew consisted of the captain, first officer, and flight attendant. There were no discrepancies appearing on the aircraft log prior to departure from Reno. An Instrmnent Flight Rules (IFR) flight plan was filed to Stockton. Prior to departure, the flight received an IFR clearance tovthe Stockton Airport to maintain 114,000 feet, and a VFR climb was approved. De- parture from Reno was at 0551:. The flight frOm Reno to Stockton was routine and arrival was at 0628. The jump seat was not occupied upon departure from Reno.

The left engine only was shut down since this was a stop of short duration. Two passengers deplaned and ten passengers boarded for a total of MI persons aboard including the three crew members. The jump seat was not Hoecupied and the captain and first officer were observed to be in their respastive seats at departure. Weight and balance were computed to be within limits. No refueling was accomplished nor required at Stockton. The only discrepancies noted in the aircraft log of Flight 773 found in the wreckage were "Oxygen pressure low‘1 and "Cabin pressure fluctuating".

Pacific Flight 773 was cleared by the Oakland Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) to the San Francisco Airport, to climb in VFR conditions to 6,000 feet, and maintain 6,000 feet. The clearance was aclmowledged cor- rectlv by the crew and departure was at 0638.

During its climb, the flight reported leaving 2,000 feet and was instructed by Stockton towel to contact Oakland ARTGC on 1211.2 mos. After contacting Oakland Center, the flight was instructed to maintain 5,000 feet; Oakland ARTCC established radar contact with the aircraft 31:: miles from Stockton and at 06113, the flight reported reaching its assigned altitude of 5,000 feet.

At 0615:10, the Oakland AR'NC controller instructed Flight 773 to turn left to a heading of 235 degrees for a vector to the San Francisco final ap» proach course. At 06h6:h9, a handoffg/ of Flight 773 Has accumpliShed from

2/ A transfer of identity and control of an aircraft from one radar traffic control facilityr to another.