Page:CAB Accident Report, Pacific Air Lines Flight 773.pdf/8

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The results of the FBI's thorough investigation are set forth in the factual portion of the report. The total evidence clearly indicates that the Captain and first officer of Flight 773 were shot by a passenger. As a result, the uncontrolled aircraft began the descent which ended in impact with the hill.

In the initial stages of the investigation, the FBI Joined the CAB In- vestigators in a search for evidence so that the apparent criminal aSpects of the accident could be properly pursued.

Pt'ooable Cause _......,_._..__...

The Board determines the probable cause of this acc1dent was the shooting of the captain and first officer by a passenger during flight.

Corrective Action

Prior to the accident?/ the FAA adopted certain amendments to Parts 1.0, '41, and 142, of the Civil Air Regulations. These amendments, which became effective August 6, 1961:, required that the door separating the passenger cabin from the crew compartment on all scheduled air carrier and comercial aircraft must be kept locked during flight. An exception to the rule will be during landing or takeoff on certain aircraft such as the Fairchild F-Q'? Where the door leads to an emergency passenger exit.


/s/ ALAN S. Ber) Chairman

/sf ROBERT T. MURPHY Vice Chairman



GU‘J‘JEI, Member, did not take part in the adoption of this report.

7/ May 1, 196s.