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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200070023-3

(London, 1943) gives insights into the scope and impact of losses suffered during the initial war years, and helps explain some of the persistent traumas affecting Polish society.

Marin Kuncewicz (ed.), The Modern Polish Mind (Boston, 1962) is a representative anthology of contemporary essays and stories illustrating Polish life and thought. The Captive Mind (New York, 1953) by Czeslaw Milosz is an analysis by a disillusioned Communist intellectual of the motivation of his colleagues who tries to accommodate to Communist rule during the early Stalinist period; it is valuable in its examination of Polish intellectuals as a class, and their traditionally important social and political role in Polish society. Milosz's Native Realm (New York, 1969), a more general retrospective look at Poland, is in many ways a sequel to his earlier work. Toward a Marxist Humanism: Essays on the Left Today (New York, 1969) by Leszek Kolakowski, a former professor of philosophy at Warsaw University, seeks to reconcile Communist practice and humanist ideals. Kolakowski, now residing in the West, was a prime contributor to the intellectual upsurge of the 1956 period and a gadfly for the Polish regime until the late 1960's.

A unique and multifaceted view of the social, political, economic, and cultural development of postwar Poland as seen through the critical eyes of exile intellectuals is available in Kultura Essays, and Explorations of Freedom: Prose, Narrative, and Poetry from Kultura (New York, 1970). Both are anthologies, compiled by one of Poland's most prestigious writers now living in the West—Leopold Tyrmand—of articles and works from the Paris-based exile cultural journal Kultura.

Few good accounts of the historically important secular role of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland exist in English. Walerian Meystowicz, L'Eglise Catholique en Pologne entre les deux guerres (Rome, 1946), discusses the social and political importance of the church during the interwar period and provides the necessary background for understanding the development of church-state relations in the postwar period. A guide to prominent social, cultural and political personages up to the outbreak of World War II is available in Stephen Mizwa's Great Men and Women of Poland (New York, 1942).

Basic reference works include the annual statistical yearbook, Rocznik Statystyczny, whose abbreviated version, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, is available in English. THe Rocznik Polityczny i Gospodarczy is the Polish Government's annual narrative and statistical review of political, social, economic, and cultural activity within the framework of official institutions.

Glossary (u/ou)

Abbreviation Foreign English
CRZZ Centralna Rada Związków Zawodowych Central Council of Trade Unions
KiW Ksiaszka i Wiedza Book and Science
PAP Polska Agentura Prasowa Polish Press Agency
PTL Polskie Towarzystwo Lekarskie Polish Medical Society
PZPR Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnica Polish United Workers Party
SZSP Socjalisticzny Związek Studentów Polskich Socialist Union of Polish Students
ZMS Związek Młodzieży Socjalistycznej Union of Socialist Youth
ZMW Związek Młodzieży Wiejskiej Union of Rural Youth
ZSP Zrzeszenie Studentów Polskich Polish Students Association


APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200070023-3