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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200070029-7

Cumulative impact of poor harvests and agricultural disincentives leads to meat shortages and mounting popular disgruntlement.
Polish-West Germany treaty, initiated in November, is signed in Warsaw on 7 December by Chancellor Brandt and Premier Cyrankiewicz; despite Western qualifications, treaty is viewed by the Poles as definitive recognition of the territorial integrity of the postwar Polish state.
Gomulka regime announces price increases in 13 December, as part of economic measures that include onerous work rules and potential reduction of take-home pay.
Strikes and riots begin among shipyard workers in Gdansk on 14 December, spread to Gdynia on 16 December, and to Szczecin and other northern cities on 17 December.
Party Central Committee meets on 20 December to approve and announce replacement of Gomulka leadership by that of Edward Gierek; shift is promptly endorsed by the Soviet Union which, though anxious and watchful, retains posture of strict nonintervention.
New government installed on 23 December, with Piotr Jaroszewicz as Premier and Cyrankiewicz as head of state; Jaroszewicz offers to "normalize" relations with Roman Catholic Church.


Gierek and Jaroszewicz arę warmly received during inaugural visit to Moscow.
Party Central Committee plenum condemns former leaders' policies and pledges broad program of gradual but potentially far-reaching economic, political, and social reforms.
New wave of strikes by militant workers brings Soviet hard-currency credit and rescission of December 1970 price increases.
Jaroszewicz and Cardinal Wyszynski meet to explore avenues toward improved church-state relations.
Regime grants the Roman Catholic Church legal title to church property in former German territories.
Sixth Party Congress endorses Gierek and his program; visiting Soviet leader Brezhnev gives Gierek full support.


National elections, with a rigged, single slate as in the past, result in no change in party representation; however, heavy turnover of deputies bolsters regime claim that new parliament is more representative of the people. New government appointed with Henryk Jablonski replacing Cyrankiewicz as head of state.
Period of rapidly improving US-Polish relations is climaxed by President Nixon's visit to Warsaw - 31 March-1 June - following Moscow summit.
Following West Germany's ratification of the treaty with Poland in mid-May, the Holy See reorganizes and regularizes ecclesiastical administration in the former German territories - in effect recognizing Poland's postwar frontiers.
Poland and West Germany establish diplomatic relations; ambassadors exchanged in November.
Gierek pays official visit to France.
Major US-Polish trade agreement concluded.
Gierek is accorded rank of "first among equals" vis-a-vis other Eastern European party chiefs attending observances in Moscow of 50th anniversary of the USSR.


APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200070029-7