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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110019-3

Ulbricht criticized for economic planning failures at 14th Central Committee plenum.


Erich Honecker replaces Ulbricht as SED First Secretary.
Honecker's opening speech at Eighth Party Congress ratifying his accession indicates he would settle for less than full diplomatic recognition by West Germany; wishes success to Four-Power negotiations on Berlin.
Four-Power Agreement on Berlin initiated (signed in June 1972). Berlin remains under quadripartite authority with reduced political ties to West Germany; Soviet Union guarantees unimpeded access to West Berlin through East Germany. East-West German negotiations begin on supplementary agreements.
Major ideological speech to social scientists explicitly rejects Ulbricht's favorite themes.


General Traffic Agremeent reached with Bonn in April (signed in May); covers transport of goods, travel of West Germans to East Germany virtually unrestricted, only emergency travel allowed to East Germans.
Fifth Central Committee plenum adopts package of social legislation, granting additional benefits in pensions, rent and family assistance allotments.
Four-Power Agreement on Berlin is signed; discussions begin with Federal Republic on general treaty.
Government reorganization places greater power in hands of ministers at expense of advisory commissions, according to Honecker's dictates.
Agreement reached on general German treaty designed to end 25 years of Cold War hostility; states pledge to refrain from use of force, respect common border, recognize sovereignty of each state in internal and external affairs, left open question of reunification.
East Germany becomes member of UNESCO and is granted observer status at U.N.
Regime hails reelection of Brandt coalition in West German parliamentary election, implicitly taking some credit for victory.


East and West Germany accorded equal representation at Helsinki preparatory talks for Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE).
By end of January, 67 states had established diplomatic relations with East Germany, 34 since 7 December 1972.


APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110019-3