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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110024-7

Statlichen Zentralverwaltung fuer Statistik. Statistisches Jahrbuch der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1971. Berlin, 1971. The official East German statistical yearbook.

United Nations. Demographic Yearbook, 1970. New York, 1971.

United Nations. Statistical Yearbook, 1970. New York, 1971. Of use Also are the statistical yearbooks issued by the U.N.'s Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, by International Labor Organization, and World Health Organization.

U.S., Library of Congress, Slavic and Central European Division. East Germany; a Selected Bibliography. Washington, 1967. Concentrates on publications appearing from 1958 to 1966. An earlier work appearing in 1959 under the same title and auspices covers works to 1958. Across the board coverage.

Abbreviation Foreign English
ADN Allgemeine Deutsche Nachrichtendienst East German News Agency
BEK Bund fuer Evangelische Kirchen League of Evangelical Churches
CDU Christliche-Demokratische Union Christian Democratic Union
DBD Demokratische Bauernpartei Deutschlands German Democratic Peasants Party
DDR Deutsche Demokratische Republik German Democratic Republic
DEFA Deutsche Film AG German Film Company
DFD Demokratischer Frauenbund Deutschlands Democratic Women's League of Germany
DKB Deutscher Kulturbund German Cultural Association
DKP Deutsche Kommunistische Partei German Communist Party
DTSB Deutscher Turn- und Sportbund German Gymnastics and Sports Association
EKD Evangelische Kirche Deutschlands Evangelical Church of Germany
FDGB Freie Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund Free German Trade Union Federation
FDJ Freie Deutsche Jugend Free German Youth
GDSF Gesellschaft fuer Deutschsowjetische Freundschaft Society for German-Soviet Friendship
KPD Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands Communist Party of Germany
LDPD Liberal-Demokratische Partei Deutschlands German Liberal Democratic Party
NDPD National-Demokratische Partei Deutschlands German National Democratic Party
RIAS Radio in the American Sector
SED Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands Socialist Unity party
VDK Verband Deutscher Konsumgenossenschaften Association of German Consumers Cooperatives
VELKD Vereinigte Evangelische-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands Union of Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Germany


APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200110024-7