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INDIA (Continued)

Fishing: catch 2.5 million metric tons (FY78); exports $151 million (FY77), imports, none in 1976 and 1977

Major industries: textiles, food processing, steel, machinery, transportation equipment, cement, jute manufactures

Crude steel: 9.4 million metric tons of ingots (FY81)

Electric power: 34,831,000 kW capacity (1980); 128.874 million kWh produced (1980), 188 kWh per capita

Exports: $9 billion (f.o.b., FY81 est.); engineering goods, textiles and clothing, tea

Imports: $16 billion (f.o.b., FY81 est.); machinery and transport equipment, petroleum, edible oils, fertilizers

Major trade partners: US, UK, USSR, Japan

Budget: (FY81 revised est.) central government revenue and capital receipts, $26.4 billion; disbursements, $28.9 billion

Monetary conversion rate: 9.11 rupees=US$1 (November 1981)

Fiscal year: fiscal year ends 31 March of stated year


Railroads: 60,693 km total (1981); 30,909 km broad gauge (1.676 m), 25,503 km meter gauge (1.00 m), 4,281 km narrow gauge (0.762 m and 0.610 m), government owned; 46 km meter gauge (1.00 m), 855 km broad gauge (1.676 m), 345 km narrow gauge (0.762 m and 0.610 m), privately owned; 12,617 km double track; 4,820 km electrified

Highways: 1,327,450 km total (1979); 514,250 km hard surfaced, 190,600 km gravel or crushed stone, 495,500 km improved earth, 416,700 km unimproved earth

Inland waterways: 16,000 km; 2,575 km navigable by river steamers

Pipelines: crude oil, 1,980 km; refined products, 1,056 km; natural gas, 854 km; slurry 992 km

Ports: 9 major, 79 minor

Civil air: 93 major transport aircraft

Airfields: 355 total, 321 usable; 186 with permanent-surface runways; 2 with runways over 3,659 m, 55 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 107 with runways 1,220-2,439 m

Telecommunications: fair domestic telephone service where available, good internal microwave links; telegraph facilities widespread; AM broadcast adequate; international radio communications adequate; 2.6 million telephones (0.4 per 100 popl.); about 174 AM stations at 80 locations, 17 TV stations, 13 earth satellite stations; submarine cables extend to Sri Lanka; 7 satellite stations under construction


Military manpower: males 15-49, 183,001,000; 111,614,000 fit for military service; about 8,343,000 reach military age (17) annually

Military budget: for fiscal year ending 31 March 1982, $5.7 billion; 17.0% of central government budget


(See reference map IX)


1,906,240 km2; 12% small holdings and estates, 64% forests, 24% inland water, waste, urban, and other

Land boundaries: 2,736 km


Limits of territorial waters (claimed): under an archipelago theory, claim is 12 nm, measured seaward from straight baselines connecting the outermost islands (fishing 200 nm, economic zone 200 nm)

Coastline: 54,716 km


Population: 157,595,000, including East Timor and West Irian Jaya (July 1982), average annual growth rate 2.1%

Nationality: noun—Indonesian(s); adjective—Indonesian

Ethnic divisions: majority of Malay stock comprising 45% Javanese, 14% Sundanese, 7.5% Madurese, 7.5% coastal Malays, 26% other

Religion: 90% Muslim, 5% Christian, 3% Hindu, 2% other

Language: Indonesian (modified form of Malay) official; English and Dutch leading foreign languages

Literacy: 60% (est.); 72% in 6-16 age group

Labor force: 60 million; 64% agriculture, 12% trade, 7% industry, 17% other (1980 est.)

Organized labor: 10% of labor force


Official name: Republic of Indonesia

Type: republic

Capital: Jakarta

Political subdivisions: 27 first-level administrative subdivisions or provinces, which are further subdivided into 282 second-level areas

Legal system: based on Roman-Dutch law, substantially modified by indigenous concepts and by new criminal procedures code; constitution of 1945 is legal basis of