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ARGENTINA (Continued)

Fishing: catch 537,323 metric tons (1978); exports $42 million (1976 est.)

Major industries: food processing (especially meatpacking), motor vehicles, consumer durables, textiles, chemicals, printing, and metallurgy

Crude steel: 3.2 million metric tons produced (1979), 120 kg per capita

Electric power: 10,500,000 kW capacity (1981); 40.0 billion kWh produced (1981), 1,454 kWh per capita

Exports: $8.0 billion (f.o.b., 1980); meat, corn, wheat, wool, hides, oilseed

Imports: $9.4 billion (f.o.b., 1980); machinery, fuel and lubricating oils, iron and steel, intermediate industrial products

Major trade partners (1980): exports—9% Brazil, 9% Netherlands, 8% Italy, 9% US, 6% FRG, 5% USSR, Japan, and Spain; imports—26% US, 10% Brazil, 11% FRG, 4% Italy, 11% Japan, 3% Chile

Budget: (1980) approximately $20 billion at exchange rate of first quarter 1980

Monetary conversion rate: 1,930 pesos=US$1 (mid-September 1980)

Fiscal year: calendar year


Railroads: 39,738 km total; 3,086 km standard gauge (1.435 m), 22,788 km broad gauge (1.676 m), 13,461 km meter gauge (1.000 m), 403 km 0.750-meter gauge; of total in country, 260 km are electrified

Highways: 208,100 km total, of which 47,550 km paved, 39,500 km gravel, 101,000 km improved earth, 20,300 km unimproved earth

Inland waterways: 11,000 km navigable

Ports: 7 major, 21 minor

Pipelines: 4,090 km crude oil; 2,200 km refined products; 8,172 km natural gas

Civil air: 67 major transport aircraft including 2 leased in

Airfields: 2,446 total, 2,147 usable; 108 with permanent-surface runways; 24 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 311 with runways 1,220-2,439 m

Telecommunications: extensive modern system; telephone network has 2.76 million sets (10.3 per 100 popl.), radio relay widely used; 1 satellite station with 2 Atlantic Ocean antennas; 160 AM, 12 FM, and 74 TV stations


Military manpower: males 15-49, 7,040,000; 5,715,000 fit for military service; 236,000 reach military age (20) annually

Military budget: proposed for fiscal year ending 31 December 1981, $3,426,600; about 16.6% of total central government budget


(See reference map X)


7,692,300 km2; 6% arable, 58% pasture, 2% forested, 34% other


Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 3 nm (fishing 200 nm; prawn and crayfish on continental shelf)

Coastline: about 25,760 km


Population: 15,011,000 (July 1982), average annual growth rate 1.3%

Nationality: noun—Australian(s); adjective—Australian

Ethnic divisions: 99% Caucasian, 1% Asian and aborigine

Religion: 98% Christian

Language: English

Literacy: 98.5%

Labor force: 6.5 million; 14% agriculture, 32% industry, 37% services, 15% commerce, 2% other; 6.2% unemployment

Organized labor: 44% of labor force


Official name: Commonwealth of Australia

Type: federal parliamentary state recognizing Elizabeth II as sovereign or head of state

Capital: Canberra

Political subdivisions: 6 states and 2 territories—Australian Capital Territory (Canberra) and Northern Territory

Legal system: based on English common law; constitution adopted 1900; High Court has jurisdiction over cases involving interpretation of the constitution; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations

National holiday: 26 January

Branches: Parliament (House of Representatives and Senate); Prime Minister and Cabinet responsible to House; independent judiciary