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ECUADOR (Continued)

Aid: economic—bilateral commitments of ODA and OOF (FY70-80), US, $177.3 million; other Western countries (1970-79), $243.0 million; Communist countries (1970-75), $9.4 million; military—(FY70-79) US, $40.0 million

Budget: (1980) revenues, $1,504 million; expenditures, $1,680 million

Monetary conversion rate: 35 sucres=US$1

Fiscal year: calendar year


Railroads: 1,121 km total; 966 km 1.067-meter gauge, 155 km 0.750-meter gauge; all single track

Highways: 69,280 km total; 11,925 km paved, 24,400 km gravel, 32,955 km earth roads

Inland waterways: 1,500 km

Pipelines: crude oil, 623 km; refined products, 1,358 km

Ports: 3 major (Guayaquil, Manta, Puerto Bolivar), 11 minor

Civil air: 46 major transport aircraft, including 1 leased in

Airfields: 174 total, 174 usable; 17 with permanent-surface runways; 1 with runways over 3,659 m, 4 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 26 with runways 1,220-2,439 m

Telecommunications: facilities adequate only in largest cities; 1 Atlantic Ocean satellite station; 260,000 telephones (2.9 per 100 popl.); 250 AM, 38 FM, and 17 TV stations


Military manpower: males 15-49, 1,908,000; 1,295,000 fit for military service; 87,000 reach military age (20) annually


(See reference maps VI and VII)


1,000,258 km2 (including 19,237 km2 in Sinai); 2.8% cultivated (of which about 70% multiple cropped); 96.5% desert, waste, or urban; 0.7% inland water

Land boundaries: approximately 2,580 km (including border of Sinai area)


Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 12 nm (plus 6 nm "necessary supervision zone")

Coastline: 2,450 km (1967); includes approximately 500 km within Sinai area


Population: 44,740,000 (July 1982), average annual growth rate 3.0%

Nationality: noun—Egyptian(s); adjective—Egyptian or Arab Republic of Egypt

Ethnic divisions: 90% Eastern Hamitic stock; 10% Greek, Italian, Syro-Lebanese

Religion: (official estimate) 94% Muslim, 6% Copt and other

Language: Arabic official, English and French widely understood by educated classes

Literacy: around 44%

Labor force: 13.4 million; 45-50% agriculture, 13% industry, 11% trade and finance, 26% services and other; shortage of skilled labor

Organized labor: 1 to 3 million


Official name: Arab Republic of Egypt

Type: republic; under presidential rule since June 1956

Capital: Cairo

Political subdivisions: 26 governorates