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2.6 Variant bridi structure

When there are one or more occurrences of the cmavo zo'e at the end of a bridi, they may be omitted, a process called “ellipsis”. Example 2.11 (p. 18) and Example 2.12 (p. 18) may be expressed thus:

Example 2.14
mi tavla do
I talk to you (about something in some language).
Example 2.15
do tavla mi ta
You talk to me about that thing (in some language).

Note that Example 2.13 (p. 18) is not subject to ellipsis by this direct method, as the zo'e in it is not at the end of the bridi.

2.6 Variant bridi structure

Consider the sentence

Example 2.16
mi [cu] vecnu ti ta zo'e
seller-x1 - sells goods-sold-x2 buyer-x3 price-x4
I - sell this to that for some price.
I sell this-thing/these-things to that-buyer/those-buyers.
(the price is obvious or unimportant)

Example 2.16 (p. 19) has one sumti (the x1) before the selbri. It is also possible to put more than one sumti before the selbri, without changing the order of sumti:

Example 2.17
mi ti [cu] vecnu ta
seller-x1 goods-sold-x2 - sells buyer-x3
I this - sell to that
(translates as stilted or poetic English)
I this thing do sell to that buyer.
Example 2.18
mi ti ta [cu] vecnu
seller-x1 goods-sold-x2 buyer-x3 - sells
I this to that - sell
(translates as stilted or poetic English)
I this thing to that buyer do sell.

Example 2.16 (p. 19) through Example 2.18 (p. 19) mean the same thing. Usually, placing more than one sumti before the selbri is done for style or for emphasis on the sumti that are out-of-place from their normal position. (Native speakers of languages other than English may prefer such orders.)

If there are no sumti before the selbri, then it is understood that the x1 sumti value is equivalent to zo'e; i.e. unimportant or obvious, and therefore not given. Any sumti after the selbri start counting from x2.

Example 2.19
ta [cu] melbi
object/idea-x1 - is-beautiful (to someone by some standard)
That/Those - is/are beautiful.
That is beautiful.
Those are beautiful.

when the x1 is omitted, becomes: