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10.20. Logical and non-logical connections between tenses 237
10.21. Sub-events 238
10.22. Conversion of sumti tcita: JAI 239
10.23. Tenses versus modals 240
10.24. Tense questions: cu'e 242
10.25. Explicit magnitudes 243
10.26. Finally (an exercise for the much-tried reader) 244
10.27. Summary of tense selma'o 244
10.28. List of spatial directions and direction-like relations 245
11. Events, Qualities, Quantities, And Other Vague Words: On Lojban Abstraction 247
11.1. The syntax of abstraction 247
11.2. Event abstraction 248
11.3. Types of event abstractions 250
11.4. Property abstractions 251
11.5. Amount abstractions 253
11.6. Truth-value abstraction: jei 254
11.7. Predication/sentence abstraction 255
11.8. Indirect questions 256
11.9. Minor abstraction types 258
11.10. Lojban sumti raising 259
11.11. Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses 260
11.12. Abstractor connection 261
11.13. Table of abstractors 262
12. Dog House And White House: Determining lujvo Place Structures 263
12.1. Why have lujvo? 263
12.2. The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour 264
12.3. The meaning of lujvo 266
12.4. Selecting places 267
12.5. Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo 267
12.6. Dependent places 269
12.7. Ordering lujvo places. 271
12.8. lujvo with more than two parts. 272
12.9. Eliding SE rafsi from seltau 273
12.10. Eliding SE rafsi from tertau 274
12.11. Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo 274
12.12. Abstract lujvo 275
12.13. Implicit-abstraction lujvo 277
12.14. Anomalous lujvo 279
12.15. Comparatives and superlatives 280
12.16. Notes on gismu place structures 283
13. Oooh! Arrgh! Ugh! Yecch! Attitudinal and Emotional Indicators 285
13.1. What are attitudinal indicators? 285
13.2. Pure emotion indicators 287
13.3. Propositional attitude indicators 289
13.4. Attitudes as scales 292
13.5. The space of emotions 294
13.6. Emotional categories 294
13.7. Attitudinal modifiers 295
13.8. Compound indicators 298
13.9. The uses of indicators 299
13.10. Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours 300
13.11. Evidentials 302
13.12. Discursives 304
13.13. Miscellaneous indicators 307