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4.14 The gismu creation algorithm

Our third example will result in forming both a lujvo and a name from the tanru logji bangu girzu, or “logical-language group” in English. (“The Logical Language Group” is the name of the publisher of this book and the organization for the promotion of Lojban.)

The available rafsi are -loj- and -logj-; -ban-, -bau-, and -bang-; and -gri- and -girzu, and (for name purposes only) -gir- and -girz-. The resulting 12 lujvo possibilities are:

loj -ban -gri loj -bau -gri loj -bang -gri
logj -ban -gri logj -bau -gri logj -bang -gri
loj -ban -girzu loj -bau -girzu loj -bang -girzu
logj -ban -girzu logj -bau -girzu logj -bang -girzu

and the 12 name possibilities are:

loj -ban -gir loj -bau -gir loj -bang -gir
logj -ban -gir logj -bau -gir logj -bang -gir
loj -ban -girz loj -bau -girz loj -bang -girz
logj -ban -girz logj -bau -girz logj -bang -girz

After hyphenation, we have:

lojbangri lojbaugri lojbangygri
logjybangri logjybaugri logjybangygri
lojbangirzu lojbaugirzu lojbangygirzu
logjybangirzu logjybaugirzu logjybangygirzu
lojbangir lojbaugir lojbangygir
logjybangir logjybaugir logjybangygir
lojbangirz lojbaugirz lojbangygirz
logjybangirz logjybaugirz logjybangygirz

The only fully reduced lujvo forms are lojbangri and lojbaugri, of which the latter has a slightly lower score: 8827 versus 8796, respectively. However, for the name of the organization, we chose to make sure the name of the language was embedded in it, and to use the clearer long-form rafsi for girzu, producing lojbangirz.

Finally, here is a four-part lujvo with a cmavo in it, based on the tanru nakni ke cinse ctuca or “male (sexual teacher)”. The ke cmavo ensures the interpretation “teacher of sexuality who is male”, rather than “teacher of male sexuality”. Here are the possible forms of the lujvo, both before and after hyphenation:

nak -kem -cin -ctu nakykemcinctu
nak -kem -cin -ctuca nakykemcinctuca
nak -kem -cins -ctu nakykemcinsyctu
nak -kem -cins -ctuca nakykemcinsyctuca
nakn -kem -cin -ctu naknykemcinctu
nakn -kem -cin -ctuca naknykemcinctuca
nakn -kem -cins -ctu naknykemcinsyctu
nakn -kem -cins -ctuca naknykemcinsyctuca

Of these forms, nakykemcinctu is the shortest and is preferred by the scoring algorithm. On the whole, however, it might be better to just make a lujvo for cinse ctuca (which would be cinctu) since the sex of the teacher is rarely important. If there was a reason to specify “male”, then the simpler tanru nakni cinctu (“male sexual-teacher”) would be appropriate. This tanru is actually shorter than the four-part lujvo, since the ke required for grouping need not be expressed.

4.14 The gismu creation algorithm

The gismu were created through the following process:

  1. At least one word was found in each of the six source languages (Chinese, English, Hindi, Spanish, Russian, Arabic) corresponding to the proposed gismu. This word was rendered into Lojban phonetics rather liberally: consonant clusters consisting of a stop and the corresponding fricative were simplified to just the fricative (tc became c, dj became j) and