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June 8, 2017

(2) PRIZE COMPETITION.—The term ‘‘prize competition’’ means the Theodore Roosevelt Genius Prize for the protection of endangered species established under subsection (b). (b) AUTHORITY.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall establish under section 24 of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3719) a prize competition, to be known as the ‘‘Theodore Roosevelt Genius Prize’’ for the protection of endangered species— (1) to encourage technological innovation with the potential to advance the mission of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service with respect to the protection of endangered species; and (2) to award 1 or more prizes annually for a technological advancement that protects endangered species. (c) ADVISORY BOARD.— (1) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established an advisory board, to be known as the ‘‘Protection of Endangered Species Technology Advisory Board’’. (2) COMPOSITION.—The Board shall be composed of not fewer than 9 members appointed by the Secretary, who shall provide expertise in— (A) endangered species; (B) biology; (C) technology development; (D) engineering; (E) economics; (F) business development and management; and (G) any other discipline, as the Secretary determines to be necessary to achieve the purposes of this section. (3) DUTIES.—Subject to paragraph (4), with respect to the prize competition, the Board shall— (A) select a topic; (B) issue a problem statement; and (C) advise the Secretary on any opportunity for technological innovation to protect endangered species. (4) CONSULTATION.—In selecting a topic and issuing a problem statement for the prize competition under subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (3), respectively, the Board shall consult widely with Federal and non-Federal stakeholders, including— (A) 1 or more Federal agencies with jurisdiction over the protection of endangered species; (B) 1 or more State agencies with jurisdiction over the protection of endangered species; (C) 1 or more State, regional, or local wildlife organizations, the mission of which relates to the protection of endangered species; and (D) 1 or more wildlife conservation groups, technology companies, research institutions, institutions of higher education, industry associations, or individual stakeholders with an interest in the protection of endangered species. (5) REQUIREMENTS.—The Board shall comply with all requirements under section 4007(a). (d) AGREEMENT WITH THE NATIONAL FISH AND WILDLIFE FOUNDATION.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall offer to enter into an agreement under which the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation shall administer the prize competition. (2) REQUIREMENTS.—An agreement entered into under paragraph (1) shall comply with all requirements under section 4007(b). (e) JUDGES.— (1) APPOINTMENT.—The Secretary shall appoint not fewer than 3 judges who shall, except as provided in paragraph (2), select the 1 or more annual winners of the prize competition. (2) DETERMINATION BY THE SECRETARY.—The judges appointed under paragraph (1) shall not select any annual winner of the prize competition if the Secretary makes a determination that, in any fiscal year, none of the technological advancements entered into the prize competition merits an award. (f) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 60 days after the date on which a cash prize is

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awarded under this section, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate and the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives a report on the prize competition that includes— (1) a statement by the Board that describes the activities carried out by the Board relating to the duties described in subsection (c)(3); (2) if the Secretary has entered into an agreement under subsection (d)(1), a statement by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation that describes the activities carried out by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation relating to the duties described in section 4007(b); and (3) a statement by 1 or more of the judges appointed under subsection (e) that explains the basis on which the winner of the cash prize was selected. (g) TERMINATION OF AUTHORITY.—The Board and all authority provided under this section shall terminate on December 31, 2022. SEC. 4006. THEODORE ROOSEVELT GENIUS PRIZE FOR NONLETHAL MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN-WILDLIFE CONFLICTS. (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (1) BOARD.—The term ‘‘Board’’ means the

Nonlethal Management of Human-Wildlife Conflicts Technology Advisory Board established by subsection (c)(1). (2) PRIZE COMPETITION.—The term ‘‘prize competition’’ means the Theodore Roosevelt Genius Prize for the nonlethal management of humanwildlife conflicts established under subsection (b). (b) AUTHORITY.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall establish under section 24 of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3719) a prize competition, to be known as the ‘‘Theodore Roosevelt Genius Prize’’ for the nonlethal management of human-wildlife conflicts— (1) to encourage technological innovation with the potential to advance the mission of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service with respect to the nonlethal management of humanwildlife conflicts; and (2) to award 1 or more prizes annually for a technological advancement that promotes the nonlethal management of human-wildlife conflicts. (c) ADVISORY BOARD.— (1) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established an advisory board, to be known as the ‘‘Nonlethal Management of Human-Wildlife Conflicts Technology Advisory Board’’. (2) COMPOSITION.—The Board shall be composed of not fewer than 9 members appointed by the Secretary, who shall provide expertise in— (A) nonlethal wildlife management; (B) social aspects of human-wildlife conflict management; (C) biology; (D) technology development; (E) engineering; (F) economics; (G) business development and management; and (H) any other discipline, as the Secretary determines to be necessary to achieve the purposes of this section. (3) DUTIES.—Subject to paragraph (4), with respect to the prize competition, the Board shall— (A) select a topic; (B) issue a problem statement; and (C) advise the Secretary on any opportunity for technological innovation to promote the nonlethal management of human-wildlife conflicts. (4) CONSULTATION.—In selecting a topic and issuing a problem statement for the prize competition under subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (3), respectively, the Board shall consult widely with Federal and non-Federal stakeholders, including— (A) 1 or more Federal agencies with jurisdiction over the management of native wildlife spe-

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cies at risk due to conflict with human activities; (B) 1 or more State agencies with jurisdiction over the management of native wildlife species at risk due to conflict with human activities; (C) 1 or more State, regional, or local wildlife organizations, the mission of which relates to the management of native wildlife species at risk due to conflict with human activities; and (D) 1 or more wildlife conservation groups, technology companies, research institutions, institutions of higher education, industry associations, or individual stakeholders with an interest in the management of native wildlife species at risk due to conflict with human activities. (5) REQUIREMENTS.—The Board shall comply with all requirements under section 4007(a). (d) AGREEMENT WITH THE NATIONAL FISH AND WILDLIFE FOUNDATION.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall offer to enter into an agreement under which the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation shall administer the prize competition. (2) REQUIREMENTS.—An agreement entered into under paragraph (1) shall comply with all requirements under section 4007(b). (e) JUDGES.— (1) APPOINTMENT.—The Secretary shall appoint not fewer than 3 judges who shall, except as provided in paragraph (2), select the 1 or more annual winners of the prize competition. (2) DETERMINATION BY THE SECRETARY.—The judges appointed under paragraph (1) shall not select any annual winner of the prize competition if the Secretary makes a determination that, in any fiscal year, none of the technological advancements entered into the prize competition merits an award. (f) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 60 days after the date on which a cash prize is awarded under this section, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate and the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives a report on the prize competition that includes— (1) a statement by the Board that describes the activities carried out by the Board relating to the duties described in subsection (c)(3); (2) if the Secretary has entered into an agreement under subsection (d)(1), a statement by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation that describes the activities carried out by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation relating to the duties described in section 4007(b); and (3) a statement by 1 or more of the judges appointed under subsection (e) that explains the basis on which the winner of the cash prize was selected. (g) TERMINATION OF AUTHORITY.—The Board and all authority provided under this section shall terminate on December 31, 2022. SEC. 4007. ADMINISTRATION OF PRIZE COMPETITIONS. (a) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ADVISORY BOARDS.—An advisory board established under

section 4002(c)(1), 4003(c)(1), 4004(c)(1), 4005(c)(1), or 4006(c)(1) (referred to in this section as a ‘‘Board’’) shall comply with the following requirements: (1) TERM; VACANCIES.— (A) TERM.—A member of the Board shall serve for a term of 5 years. (B) VACANCIES.—A vacancy on the Board— (i) shall not affect the powers of the Board; and (ii) shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment was made. (2) INITIAL MEETING.—Not later than 30 days after the date on which all members of the Board have been appointed, the Board shall hold the initial meeting of the Board. (3) MEETINGS.— (A) IN GENERAL.—The Board shall meet at the call of the Chairperson. (B) REMOTE PARTICIPATION.— (i) IN GENERAL.—Any member of the Board may participate in a meeting of the Board through the use of—
