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that right?

A I've answered that question already. I will refer to counsel.

Q And are you aware that other representatives of the Department of Justice, frankly your superiors at the time that you were employed there, received a similar letter and have provided testimony to congressional committees?

A Yes.

Q And, yet, your position today is in stark contrast to theirs.

Mr. MacDougald. Yes, we address that in the letter.



Q Now, in the letter, which, again, I appreciate you giving us this morning, but we have not had a chance to review before.

Mr. MacDougald. And I would like, on the record, to apologize to you,  , and to the committee and staff for being so late in delivering this item to you when you were inquiring about our position. So, two things: One, I want to thank you for the one-week extension. Very much appreciate it. But, secondly, to apologize for the inconvenience. Having just gotten into the matter, we have been working on this right up until yesterday afternoon and preparing what we were going to say, and we just weren't ready to tell you.

  Mr. MacDougald, I understand. These are important issues, and we want to make sure you and your client are fully prepared.

Mr. MacDougald. It is a very important matter.

  We are trying our best to get to the fact and want to make sure we are treating all witnesses with fairness and professional consideration.

But, going back to the letter, attached to the letter is a letter that you received