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  Okay. We're still on the record, Ms. Lofgren. I just want to make sure that there are things that are entered for the record, right.

Exhibit 1 is the letter to Mr. Clark that was sent by the Department of Justice on July 26th, 2021, which I'd ask that we mark and be part of the record as exhibit 1.

I believe exhibit 2 will be the letter that Mr. MacDougald delivered to the select committee today.

I don't think we need the subpoena to be an exhibit. That's already part of the committee's record.

  We're okay because he showed up.

  He did. So those two exhibits and the DOJ letter and his letter to us will be formally part of the record of the deposition.

[Clark Exhibit No. 1
Was marked for identification.]

[Clark Exhibit No. 2
Was marked for identification.]

  And, before we go off the record, is there any other representations here, Mr. Schiff?

Mr. Schiff. I would just like to include in the record a copy of the Bloomberg article that counsel for Mr. Clark references in which, per counsel's letter, Mr. Clark was disappointed it didn't include his discussion of January 6th, the interview that was published.

He summarizes that conversation with the reporter, but was unwilling today to discuss even what he told the reporter during that interview, and failed to identify any privilege that would cover, even conceivably, an interview that Mr. Clark gave with the press about January 6.