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A I gave general tweets where I was, like, you know, hey, if we needed money to, like, mainly flights and hotels and food, water, security, if we were paying for them, signs, rally signs.

But there was no staging. You know, we just worked with the police. So we didn't even need a permit there. Our permitting activities were really focused for Washington, D.C., because we took things seriously up here.

BY  :

Q Sorry. Let me clarify and ask it at a more granular level.

What was the actual mechanism that you used to fundraise? So, like, I think you said you did tweets. There was like a link to a donation page? Like, what was the actual fundraising mechanism?

A Oh, yes, it was usually tweets to—the fundraising platform we were using was Donorbox.

Q Okay. Was that all you were using at the time in November, or were you using any cryptocurrency then?

A Okay. So Stop the Steal starts on November 4th. And at that point I'm basically alone. There's no Stop the Steal organization. There's me. And I said, "Hey, if you guys want to send me personal donations, I will redistribute this and I'll buy people's flights."

And then when we formed Stop the Steal and we provided that type of documentation and finally got to move over to Donorbox, that made me feel easier, because then we were doing something with some organizations, some rhythm. And that's consistent with, you know, whatever.

So, however, I collected personal donations for that. I think it was a week. It could have been two.