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Because, I mean, I know you're very politically active. Is it not a big deal when Congresspeople contact you directly?

 . It seems it would stick out in your mind.

The Witness. Well, I mean—

 . All I'm trying to get at is for some people, because of how politically involved they are, they talk to Congresspeople all the time and have them on speed dial. That is not my world. So if a Congressperson contacts me, it's pretty memorable.

I'm trying to gauge, where are you on that spectrum? Are you somebody who talks to Congresspeople directly all the time, or is it more a rarity when you directly talk to the Congressperson?

A It's really a mixed bag, depending on the year, whether it's an election year, and then what I'm doing. Because I was leading Stop the Steal, I was one of the more popular conservative figures in the country for 60-something days.

And, you know, what you pointed out is a real observation. And I want to acknowledge it. It's not one that I agree with, but it's not one that I dismiss. And I don't know how else to put this except for put it this way.

I've been very critical of both the Democrat and the Republican establishments. In some cases I've called the Republican establishment the "Blue Blood, Bowl Cut Boys."

And so what's interesting is a lot of these guys go to Ivy League schools, or they'll come and intern on the Hill. They'll do five internships, and I didn't have to do that.

Now, what's interesting is it's an inverse relationship. When I talk to a Member of Congress, oftentimes I'm not impressed. I'm just speaking truthfully. That's why I've never gone in and worked in government. Some of them are not impressive people. But there are a lot of people who have a wealth status far above mine who are enamored by it. And it's interesting.