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your relationship. I don't want to mischaracterize, but it sounds like you said, "The nature of our relationship is to send hyperbolic things to each other, and then we retweet them out, and we promote each other's hyperbolic things"? There is nothing illegal about that or wrong—

A I think so.

Q —with that. I just don't want to mischaracterize what he's saying.

A Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's—he loves comedy, he's extreme. He's funny. He's self-deprecating, and he uses clickbaity things. And, you know, sometimes I'll venture into that territory. Most times I don't, but, clearly, you know, we have some evidence in production that, you know, shows that I sometimes engage in hyperbole and exaggeration and, you know.

 . That's very helpful color. Thank you.

BY  :

Q Going back to this, or we're going past December 20th to December 21st. We've asked you if you recalled a meeting with Congressional Members and President Trump. You said that you do not recall that meeting, correct?

A Correct.

Q Do you recall receiving a debrief about that meeting?

A I don't recall one. I don't—today, right now, I do not recall receiving one. I have—I have volunteered in my testimony that, you know, there was some times, like, for example, when Paul Gosar had a conversation with the President or the White House and then, you know, it would be some big news or something like that.

Q Okay. But, for this specific situation, you don't recall this debrief from Mr. Gosar?

A No, that's a very specific date, and I don't even know that he was there.