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Dr. Paul Gosar, and him being very supportive of an effort that involved peacefully protesting outside.

Q So just to continue part of that statement, you say we four schemed it up. And just to make sure we're clear here: You all, the four of you never sat down or got on the phone call and schemed up January 6th, correct?

A I can definitively say that the four of us did not get on a conference call together.

Q Okay.

A Or any type of messaging service and scheme it up like that.

Mr.  . Just so I—what was the January 6th scheme? When you say that, what do you mean?

The Witness. I meant that instead of—the general tenor was that December was the last time people were going to travel to D.C., and that people were then going to protest on January 6th at their State capitals, and that seemed like a wasted opportunity. So when I ran the idea by Congressman Gosar and he's, like, you know, Yeah, that would be a good idea, then I felt that it was a really good idea. And we wanted to primary bad Republicans was our chief cause.

Mr.  . You said it sounds like—you said that sounds like a good idea. When did you speak to Congressman Gosar?

The Witness. Probably when I was in Arizona. We both spoke at that rally on—on—that you pointed out in Arizona. So I don't know if it was before then or if it was—or if it was on that day.

Mr.   But you had spoken to him in person about January 6th?

The Witness. No, I don't—I don't know if it was in person or on the phone.