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Q Would he have worked with anyone else in your orbit, other than you, to provide help?

A That would probably be a question for him because I don't recall and because, like, for example, The Ellipse was a coalition event. If he was talking to someone else additional, then I don't have any recollection of hearing that third-hand.

Q How about Mr. Van Flein? Did he do anything, to your knowledge, in connection with the events of January 6th to help organize, or otherwise put that together?

A He made sure that his boss was going to be there on time.

Q All right. And then when it comes to Mr. Brooks—

Mr.   Mr. Brooks.

Mr.   —I know if we can just hone in. So you think that was when that you talked to him, or it was about the Dear Colleague Letter?

The Witness. I remember talking to his staff around the time of the Dear Colleague Letter. And then, you know, in an exchange with the committee, I provided a copy of something that was either sent by Mo Brooks or his staff, or secretary. And the text of that is in here, and we've said that I'm going to work with my counsel to provide a timestamp or something for that?

Mr.   Not a timestamp. The actual communication of when you received that.

The Witness. Okay.

Mr.   So when Mr. Brooks says he's never met you or never met or spoke with you, is that true?

The Witness. I think that we met in 2010, you know, at the Tea Party years. I think it was likely.