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Q Well, for your activism, with your tweets, I mean—oh, here. Let me ask it a different way. When did you start fundraising?

A When I have one-off projects, I fundraise it. I'm sorry. I fundraised, and it really depends on what that project is. I've had a variety of clients. And then if I'm doing a project under my own name, then I'll say, I'll ask people to contribute to me.

So I did a documentary in 2019, a 20-minute documentary. And I raised money for that. I don't know if that was through the entity that published the documentary or through my persons.

Q Okay. So—

A But there was no—and I've seen this in this binder. I'll just leave it there.

Q No. I think I understand what you're saying. For these websites that I'm assuming Stop the Steal U.S., Wild Protest, Fight for Trump, March to Save America, what was the fundraising mechanism for those?

A Those websites came after November 4th. So—

Q Right. Donorbox?

A The websites themselves, like even those domains, if I own from 2018, then it was probably dormant. And those other sites are all in particular, like, January 6th focused. So I couldn't have owned them before December 16th.

Q No, I know. I'm saying after you created them, what was the fundraising mechanism when you set—

A Donorbox.

Q Donorbox. Yeah, okay. That's what I thought. Okay.

And did that ever change?

A Through January 6th?

Q These websites, if I was understanding you, you used Donorbox for