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and she was very nervous because she had had poor interactions with other people. We had a positive interaction. I'm a political professional. I'm not going to say no to, you know, somebody from Trump world. And I folded my event in.

Q And so what people was she bringing in that she told you she was going to bring in for the January 6th event?

A The Kremers—she—I do remember explicitly saying that, you know, like, they want to bring in anybody who had been supportive and they needed help identifying some of those people. And then some of the people she had already spoken to, to the best of my recollection, were obviously the Kremers, Cindy Chafian. And, you know, then she tossed around some other names as prospects, you know, likes Alex Jones and Roger Stone, stuff like that.

Q Was the plan when she brought you in—and I'll—I'm just going to say coalition partners. Is that okay to say?

A Yes.

Q Coalition partners?

A That's fair.

Q When she brought in the coalition partners, was the plan to have one big event? Or was it to have multiple events on January 5th and 6th?

A When we initially talked about it, she needed my expertise on that. And my advice was to do multiple events and—you know, when the decision came down, it was, like, let's do multiple events on multiple days.

Q Why did you want to have—why was it your advice to give—to have multiple events?

A Because as I understand it, again, based off of higher-income consultants and other people who know D.C. better than me and all this other stuff is that it seems