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A It was a Christian—it was a Christian site. DonorBox had cut us off, but Stripe had not, and so my—your Stripe—you know what Stripe is? Yeah. Okay. So I had to move it somewhere.

Q And did you ever have any issues with GiveSendGo in terms of them deplatforming you?

A I lost access to my Stripe account, so I couldn't process donations, and they've—they've either come up with a secondary process that I haven't used, or they haven't figured that out.

Q Okay. So, when you lost your Stripe account, you couldn't raise funds, but you could still stay on there and get, like, the prayers and, like, the—

A Yep.

Q —the nonfund things?

Okay. So do you still have that, the GiveSendGo?

A Yes. I believe so.

Q And it's related to Stop the Steal specifically?

A No. It was related to my personal safety.

Q Were you using—so was there a time period where you were on GiveSendGo using Stripe before Stripe got cut off?

A I would have had to use Stripe to process the donation.

Q During that time, were the funds from Stripe going to you personally, or just Stop the Steal?

A I think I—I think I lost two Stripe accounts, one for Stop the Steal, and one for myself.

Q Okay. At some point—and I'm not sure when—let me check—you started putting—let me pull it up. I don't want to get it wrong.