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A I don't—I don't believe so.

Q Did you ever end up using any exchanges at all for—related to cryptocurrency?

A Related to Stop the Steal? I do not believe so.

Q So that would have been just like personal financial activity to the extent that you used it?

A Yeah, I believe so.

Q Was that coin-based?

A I—I—yeah, I have a—I still have a coin-based account.

Q Do you have any idea how much money Stop the Steal has raised since it was created in November 2020?

A I unfortunately don't. And, in trying to come up with this information, we didn't even discover that our bank account at SunTrust was shut down. So I found that out a few weeks—well, 4 or 5 weeks ago. And I was told that it was shut down October 24th, I believe so.

And so, you know, it survived the FBI investigation and didn't survive this committee's investigation.

Q Do you have any—do you have any cold storage wallets, paper wallets, or public addresses that contain funds related to Stop the Steal?

A I don't know. I know that I, like, have, like, really outdated, like, ledger USB things, and—and I've never used it. I may have had like a friend set it up for me. But, you know, I can't—I can't recall past that. I buy a lot of little gadgets, you know. I think I bought this thing called Everykey once that John McAfee came up with, and it's—you know, they just sit and collect dust.

Q When you say these "sit and collect dust," so you're not using them?