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percent certainty was Representative Gosar. And that there was a coalition effort to recruit several members and get them confirmed for the original Lot 8 event which was supposed to take place in the morning there was no Ellipse rally.

Q So with 100 percent certainty you only recall reaching out to Mr. Gosar's staff for the January 6th event?

A That's the only specific name I can recall right now. Yeah.

Q Thank you.

So let's stay on January 5th—

A Can I insert something in the record to help?

Q No, I will keep asking the questions.

Oh, also, did you ever talk to Mr. Anthony Foti, F-o-t-i, from Mr. Gosar's staff?

A That name doesn't ring a bell.

Q So let's stay on January 5th. Did you speak to Ms. Guilfoyle, Ms. Kimberly Guilfoyle on January 5th?

A Yes.

Q All right. When did you talk to her, approximately? Was it afternoon, morning, evening?

A I believe it was the evening.

Q And how did you talk to her, was it in person, was it over the phone?

A Phone.

Q And what did you discuss with Ms. Guilfoyle on January 5th?

A On January 5th, it was a surprise phone call. It wasn't one I requested, it wasn't planned. And I remember being thanked for making voting rights and election integrity key issues for the Republican Party. I remember back and forth about the Georgia election. And I'm pressing my memory right now—it really was a thank-you