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Mr. Alexander. And—and, you know, I just always—I always had, you know, rotating different helpers or aides with me. And so, you know, I couldn't—if I speculated on a name, it would be just pure speculation.

BY  :

Q So earlier you mentioned that when the President speaks, it's on, like, their own schedule. I'm paraphrasing. Like you can't control when the President speaks. Is that—am I capturing that properly?

A Yes. Or when he stops.

Q Right. So did you leave The Ellipse before President Trump had finished speaking?

A Yes. And that's, you know, been widely captured by media and attested to by myself.

Q And why did you leave before President Trump finished his speech?

A We left The Ellipse early because we were requested to by Ms. Wren and her aide—and/or her aide. And it was a whole process that we were aware could happen, and so it was happening. And I don't know if the process took 5 minutes or 15 minutes, because there's a lot of back and forth. The President's speaking. I'm sitting. We got 200 media behind us. How do you get up while the President's talking in a discreet way? And the answer is you can't.

And, so, we were requested that, because people were leaving the overflow, that there probably should be some leadership toward the Capitol, and that Alex Jones and myself should be the people to help to, you know, lead that overflow crowd that was just starting to leave.

Q And this was communicated to you from Ms. Wren?

A Or her aide.