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speech. Where was the speech given?

A At Freedom Plaza, at the corner of, you know, what we refer to as Freedom Plaza.

BY  :

Q Did the Secret Service ever tell you before you left The Ellipse anything about you walking to the Capitol?

A I've already testified that I don't recall any verbal communications with the Secret Service.

Q With yourself. Did you hear them tell anyone else you were with or communicate with them, like Mr. Jones, about the march to the Capitol?

A Well, walked over to the Capitol. Did I overhear Secret Service talking? No. I mean, they're professionals. I don't hear their conversations.

Q You just used the word "walked" to the Capitol instead of "march." Is there a difference between those two words in your mind?

A I think I—you know, sometimes there is and sometimes there isn't. And I'm not assuming anything in what you're saying, but I definitely want to clarify what I intend. And, so, in the event space there can be. But in the colloquial space, no, there is no difference.

Q Okay. And on the website that your organization put up, it said, "March to the Capitol after The Ellipse event," right?

A Yeah.

Q Okay. Yeah is yes?

A I think so.

Q Yes. And so to your knowledge, based on what you observed on January 6th at The Ellipse, did you ever see Secret Service communicate with anyone in