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Q I don't want to interrupt you. This is important, because this isn't court. And I respect that there is a lot of prep and I really do respect that—

A No, it's not prep, this is me.

Q I get that, but it is important that this is not court. And I don't want you to waste a lot of time, and, frankly, lawyers' fees, on objecting to things that aren't relevant to our situation. I just need to know are you saying here today that you don't believe that's you having that conversation, is it your position that's not me. That's a yes or no.

A My position is that I do not recall this text exchange.

 . Thank you.


Q Before I go on, who is Mr. Nathan Martin?

A Nathan Martin is a friend of mine that I've known, I think, for a decade and he's not really a big Trump fan. And when Stop the Steal was growing faster than I could by myself kind of coordinate, he volunteered to help coordinate some of that stuff, or I recruited him to help coordinate some of that stuff, because he's really good at logistics. And he runs, like, a travel agency so we were able to book stuff through him.

Q So he helps you, like, book travel for various events?

A Yeah.

Q Did he book your travel—actually, did he book other people in Stop the Steal's travel as well, in addition to you?

A Like I said, Stop the Steal is me. But if I asked him to book someone else, he would book it.

Q Okay. So can you go to Exhibit 21 then.

And go to the third page of Exhibit 21. So you've already said you stayed at the JW Marriott on January 6th. The first name on the third page appears to say Akbar/Ali.