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of questions.

Mr. Burnham. I understand.

  Okay. So are you comfortable with me asking that type of question or do you prefer that I go through question by question?

Mr. Burnham. Perfectly comfortable with that type of question.


Mr. Burnham. I just wanted to make clear we weren't trying to do an improper blanket assertion.

  No, I understand.

Mr. Burnham. I appreciate the question.

  Yeah. Thank you for that clarification.


Q Dr. Eastman, did you stay at the Willard Hotel between January 3rd and January 8th, 2021?

A Fifth.

Q With whom did you meet at the Willard Hotel between January 3rd and January 8th, 2021?

A Fifth.

Q Dr. Eastman, did you participate in a so-called "war room" at the Willard Hotel between January 3rd and January 8th, 2021?

A Fifth.

Q Dr. Eastman, what was the purpose of this war room?

A Fifth.

Q Dr. Eastman, while you were at the war room between January 3rd and January 8th, 2021, did you have any conversations with President Donald Trump?