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Q Okay. While we're on those documents, tab 9 has a John C. Eastman, and then at the bottom there has a Gmail account. And I'm not going to read the address in case you still use that email account.

Do you still have access to the emails in the Gmail account referenced in the bottom of that page?

A Fifth.

Q And going back to tab 5, similarly, there's a John C. Eastman, counsel of record. At the bottom, there is a email address.

Do you still have access to the emails in the Chapman email account?

A Fifth.

Q Okay. Going back to exhibit 16, on the fourth page, sort of in the middle of the page, with regard -- and the context is the Vice President's authority to reject electors.

The John C. Eastman who wrote this article, whether that's you or not, wrote, "But as The New York Times confirmed through thorough investigation and reporting on this critical issue, I did not advise Pence to exercise such authority."

You further wrote, quote, "It would be foolish to exercise it" -- meaning that authority -- "in the absence of certifications of alternate Trump electors from the contested States' legislatures," close quote.

Dr. Eastman, do you acknowledge that there were no alternate electors sent from contested States?

A Fifth.

Q Dr. Eastman, if, in fact, there were no alternate electors from contested States, why did you write in the first sentence of the two-page memo that, quote, "7