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Q Dr. Eastman, if I could turn your attention to exhibit 17. This is a National Review article dated October 22nd, 2021, by John McCormack. The title is, "John Eastman vs. The Eastman Memo."

And the bottom of page 7 says, "A source close to Pence tells National Review that the position of Trump and some of his advisers was initially to pressure Pence to reject outright the count of the electoral college votes in decisive States."

Dr. Eastman, did President Trump pressure Vice President Pence to reject outright the electors from contested States?

A Fifth.

Q And, Dr. Eastman, I want to be clear here. I'm not asking about anything you did. I'm asking whether or not President Donald Trump pressured Vice President Pence to reject outright the electors from contested States?

A Fifth.

Q That same article on page 9 states, "According to the source close to Pence, quote" -- and now it's quoting a source -- "'In the last 24 hours or so [before January 6th], it became crystal clear finally -- even though the Vice President had been telling them this for three weeks -- it's finally sunk in he wasn't going to do that. So, then their position moved to: Well, would you delay it and send it back [to the State legislatures]?"' close quote.

And I'll note there were some brackets in there.

Dr. Eastman, did President Donald Trump change his position from pressuring the Vice President to reject electors to instead pressuring Vice President Pence to delay certification and send the election back to State legislatures?

A Fifth.

Q And again, Dr. Eastman, I'm not asking here about your conduct. I'm asking