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[1:57 p.m.]


Q Dr. Eastman, what did you discuss with Vice President Pence's staffers?

A Fifth.

Q Dr. Eastman, if you look at exhibit 13, there's a Washington Post article dated October 29th, 2021. It says, "Read: Pence aide Greg Jacob's draft opinion article denouncing Trump's outside lawyers."

Just to make clear on the record, what this appears to be is The Washington Post reprinting something written by Greg Jacob who previously had been counsel to Vice President Pence.

In that piece, Mr. Jacob writes that, quote, "One of the President's key outside lawyers agreed with me the day before the events at the Capitol that not a single member of the Supreme Court would support his position," close quote.

Dr. Eastman, when Mr. Jacob refers to one of the President's key outside lawyers, was he referring to you?

A Fifth.

Q Dr. Eastman, did you, in fact, agree with Mr. Jacob that not a single member of the Supreme Court would support your position?

A Fifth.

Q And, Dr. Eastman, which position was that that Mr. Jacobs said not a single member of the Supreme Court would support?

A Fifth.

Q Mr. Jacob then writes that this outside lawyer, quote, "acknowledged that 230 years of historical practices were firmly against it, and that no reasonable person