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Did you have any reason then, or do you have any reason today, to believe that there was electoral fraud and corruption in the States that materially affected the outcome of the Presidential election?

Mr. Burnham. If I could have the committee's indulgence.

[Discussion off the record.]

The Witness. I claim the Fifth.

Mr. Raskin. Attorney General Bill Barr famously called Donald Trump's claims of electoral fraud and corruption "bullshit." Do you disagree with that conclusion?

The Witness. Fifth.

Mr. Raskin. I yield back.

  Do any other members have questions? Okay.

Dr. Eastman, I've asked you a series of questions about the January 5th meeting with Greg Jacob and Marc Short.

Dr. Eastman, did Greg Jacob on January 6th send you an email summarizing your conversation?

The Witness. Fifth.

  Dr. Eastman, would you provide to the select committee the email that Greg Jacob sent you on January 6th summarizing your January 5th conversation?

Mr. Burnham. I beg your pardon. Could you repeat the last question?



Q I was asking Dr. Eastman, would he provide to the select committee the January 6th email from Greg Jacob to Dr. Eastman that summarized their January 5th conversation?

A Fifth.