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want to cover before we leave for the day, and we'll go off the record now.


Okay. We're back, and we'll go back on the record.

We have just a couple of topics that my colleague,  , wanted to ask about, and then at least one member had some questions to wrap up.


Q          Dr. Eastman, were you in attendance at a December 21st meeting at the White House with Members of Congress and the President?

A Fifth.

Q On January 2nd, 2021, it's been reported that you participated in a briefing with members of State legislatures as well as others, including officials from the campaign and the President.

Were you a participant to that Zoom meeting or call?

A Fifth.

Q On that call you reportedly stated, quote, "The duty of the legislature is to fix this, this egregious conduct, and make sure that we're not putting in the White House some guy that didn't get elected."

Is that an accurate quote from your statements during this briefing?

A Fifth.

Q Did you speak with any of the State legislators who participated in that call afterwards?

A Fifth.

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Okay. Mr. Raskin has some questions.

Mr. Raskin. Thank you.

Dr. Eastman, the effort to force Vice President Pence to reject electoral college