Page:CTRL0000034609 - Transcribed Interview of Kashyap Pramod Patel, (December 9, 2021).pdf/142

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A I believe that's the only one I was present for. I don't know if there were others.

Q Yeah. Did you hear about others or anything conveyed to you about others with the Vice President specifically on—

A Not that I believe I was informed about.

Q Okay.

How about Mr. Short? Any conversations with him?

A I don't—I may have called Mr. Short. I just—

Q Don't recall.

A —don't know.

Q Okay.


BY  :

Q Exhibit No. 40 is an inquiry from Eric Schmidt at The New York Times.

A Uh-huh.

Q "We're also hearing that on January 6th Rudy Giuliani called Kash Patel and requested a military escort for some of the protestors from the Ellipse to the Capitol."

A Thank you.

Q Do you—your email response is, "Go on the record for me if needed. 100 percent false. I have not spoken to him in nearly 1 year."

A And so—sorry. Do you have a question?

Q Nope. If you want to comment, go ahead.

A Do you have a question?

Q Yeah. The question is, was there any accuracy in the question itself concerning Rudy Giuliani's—