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concern coming from those conversations.

Q Okay. Before this January 5th memo was issued there was a number of interagency calls. Were you—do you remember being on a call on January 4th with other—with the—with DOJ, DHS?

A So, on the—on January 4, 2021, the short answer is probably, but I don't—I haven't seen my call logs. And I think we asked for DOD cables and stuff, but I have no idea.

Q Do you remember any primary concern that was conveyed in terms of the preparations from DOD's perspective as—

A To—


A I do remember from those conversations around that time, and my best recollection is that a concern for the Department of Defense was we, DOD, are not the responsive unit under the law for anything related to law enforcement matters.

So I remember the Cabinet Secretaries having those discussions that the FBI and DOJ were the lead law enforcement agency, and I think there was some sort of the proclamation from DOJ that they were, in fact, the lead law enforcement agency, but that's just from my memory.

Q Okay.

A I remember having those conversations.

Q I appreciate that. You stated to the Epoch Times, and I don't have the date of this, that you, quote, "I was on the phone calls on January 4th, 5th, and 6th with the President, the chief of staff, with the Attorney General, with the Department of Homeland Security, and the only person missing from those phone calls was the Director of the FBI. He was nowhere to be found."