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A So did we have retrospective conversations on it? Possibly. But, again, I don't really remember it. I'd have to look at those statements and talk to those people.

Q Would it have been helpful, in your view?

A For the President to discourage violence on January 6th. Would it have made the National Guard's job, the Department of Defense's job easier had such a statement been issued earlier?

Q Would it have been—so, hypothetically?

A To do what?

Q You're the chief of staff to the Department of Defense at this time.

A Yeah.

Q Would it have made you, writ large, the Department of Defense's job easier if the President of the United States had come out and aggressively said, "Stop, go home," condemned violence—

Mr. Glabe. Hold on. Do you have information about the time when the President did make public statements? Because that would important for contextualizing his opinion.

BY  :

Q I'm just asking you, Mr. Patel, would it have made—

[Discussion off the record.]

BY  :

Q Would it have made your job easier if such a statement had been made earlier?

Mr. Glabe. Earlier than what?

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nmmm— — —
Earlier than when it was made.

Mr. Glabe. But when was it made?