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with the Donald Trump campaign in 2015-16.

Q Okay. And you're currently at the America First Priorities Institute?

A No, America First Policy Institute.

Q Policy. I'm sorry. That's a typo on my --

Mr. Coale. I would like to add that when he was in the military, he was highly decorated in Vietnam in combat, Silver Star.

Mr.- Appreciate that.

Mr. Coale. Okay.

BY MR. -:

Q So you're at the America First Policy Institute. What do you do there?

A I'm the co-chair for the Center for American Security. And I co-chair that with John Ratcliffe, former DNI.

Q And you said you served in the military for approximately 30 years?

A A little over, about 33 years.

Q Okay. And some of the roles I have you listed as, you were in the 101st Airborne Division, Commander of Special Operations Command in Europe, Chief of Staff and Assistant Division Commander for the 82nd Airborne, Chief Operating Officer of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad. And then, like you said, retired in 2003.

A Add this one, for the record, because I also commanded the Army's 82nd Airborne Division. So check that one.

And then when I was the Chief Operating Officer of the Coalition Provisional Authority, I was not in the military at that time. I was actually retired from the military and had been dragooned back into service by Secretary Rumsfeld and General Myers to go to Baghdad and support Jerry Bremer.

Q And you joined -- you were talking about your transition into political life.