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Q And we'll get to some examples of this later, but were you asked your opinion, for example, about tweets that the President might send?

A On occasions when I was there he did. He'd say, "What do you think?" And I didn't cross t's or dot i's. In other words, if I thought you were -- if you were in the ballpark or you were in Yankee Stadium, I didn't have to say I was in seat 123. My attitude was, okay, that's kind of like, okay, you're close enough for government work, let it go.

So I wasn't one of those who did that. I'm sure there were people who did it, but I didn't.

Q Okay. And do you know if the President ever sent tweets without going through the collaborative process?

A I don't,  . I don't.

Q You do not know?

A I don't. I don't. I only know that when I was there for them, it was collaborative. I don't know.

Mr.   Got you. Okay.

I want to switch gears a little bit here, but give some time to -- I see that Mr. Aguilar has dropped off.

But anybody else?

Mr.  ?

BY MR.  :

Q Just quickly.

General Kellogg, your role as an AP in addition to being on the Vice President's staff, was that unusual or did other members of the Vice President's staff have the same AP status?