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The court reporter cannot record nonverbal answers, such as shaking your head. So if you do have an answer, please respond using the correct language. We ask that you provide complete answers based on your recollection of the events.

The Witness. Can I ask a follow-on?

Mr.   Of course.

The Witness. Will you follow on, following an answer? If you want more, you'll ask for more, or will you just assume the question is answered or --

Mr.   That's correct. If we have more to ask in response to your answers, we'll go ahead and do that.

The Witness. Okay.

Mr.   So, like I said, we do ask that you provide answers based on the best of your recollection. If the question that I'm asking you is not clear, please feel free to ask for any kind of clarification.

If you don't know the answer, you can say so. That's completely fine. And you can refuse to answer only to preserve a privilege that's recognized by the select committee.

If you do assert a privilege, the staff will either proceed with the deposition or seek a ruling from the chairman on the objection. And if the chairman overrules an objection, you would be required to answer the question.

Does that all make sense? Do you understand that?

The Witness. Yes, it does.

Mr.   Very good.

The Witness. I started with a nonverbal, so, yes, it does.

Mr.   Thank you very much.

I also want to remind you that it's unlawful to deliberately provide false