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Mr.   Mr. Coale? No?

Mr. Coale. Nope.

Mr.   Okay.

Then in front of you is a binder of exhibits. And we're going to be referring to the exhibits --

Mr. Coale. Do you have an extra copy?

Mr.   We have that one to share.

Mr. Coale. Okay.

Mr.   He can take mine.

Mr. Coale. Thank you, sir.

Mr.   Sure.

Mr.   All right. And in this binder there are 16 exhibits. I did want to introduce one more for the record, and that's in the front page of your -- or excuse me -- the front flap of your binder, General Kellogg, just to make sure that you have this.

This is a letter from the White House dated December 13th, 2021, to Mr. Coale as your attorney, discussing issues of executive privilege.

Mr.   Mr. Coale, it's not in your binder.

Mr. Coale. Oh, okay. Yeah, I remember.

The Witness. Are we allowed to take these with us when we leave or do they stay here?

Mr.   This will stay here with the committee.

The Witness. Okay.

Mr.   But they will be available as part of the review process if you come back and choose to review the transcript.

Mr. Coale. Okay.