Page:Cakes, cookies and confections.djvu/44

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shapes. If squares become too brittle to roll, place in oven to soften. If rolled in tubular shape and tied in bunches with narrow ribbon they are very attractive served at a graduation tea.

Tinted wafers may be made from this mixture by adding vegetable coloring and different flavorings. If tinted wafers are made they must be baked in a very slow oven and turned frequently, otherwise they will not be of uniform color.

Ginger Snaps

1 c. light molasses ½ tsp. soda
½ c. shortening 1 tbsp. ginger
3 ¼ c. flour 1 ½ tsp. salt

Heat molasses to boiling and pour hot molasses over shortening. Add dry ingredients and chill twenty-four hours. Take one-third of the mixture, roll thin and cut carefully. Bake in a moderate oven. Vary the rest with candied orange peel.

May be iced when baked.

Swiss Vanities

2 eggs ½ tsp. vanilla or cinnamon
⅓ tsp. salt Flour to make a dough to roll
2 tbsp. cream

Beat eggs well, add other ingredients. Roll very thin— almost transparent. Cut in two-inch squares, Gash like the top of pie crust. Cook in deep fat and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Handle with two forks when frying.

Serve with tea or chocolate.