Page:Cakes, cookies and confections.djvu/46

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Bavarian Christmas Cookies

½ lb. fat (butter preferred) ¼ lb. sugar
¾ lb. flour

Roll very thin and cut into small round cakes. Spread a little well beaten yolk in the center of each. Sprinkle with sugar and a little cinnamon or finely chopped nuts and bake in a slow oven.


Orange Favors

1 c. sugar 1 lemon, juice of this and 1 tsp. of grated rind
1 c. flour 4 eggs

Mix like sponge cake. Drop from tip of teaspoon on greased paper or pan. Bake in moderate oven. Spread with orange marmalade or lemon butter, putting two cookies together. Dust with powdered sugar. (See cake fillings for lemon butter.)

Cornflake Macaroons

2 egg whites, beaten stiff Cornflakes to make very stiff
½ c. sugar Grated lemon or orange rind
1 tsp. vanilla

Fold carefully together and bake as Meringues in a slow oven.


3 egg whites, beaten stiff 1 c. fine granulated sugar folded in

Drop in oval shape onto wet letter paper