Page:Cakes, cookies and confections.djvu/68

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Mint Delight

2 tbsp. gelatine (½ pkg.) Green coloring—peppermint
½ c. cold water Red coloring—winter-green
2 ⅓ c. sugar ¾ c. cold water

Soak gelatine in ½ c. cold water 10 minutes. Cook sugar and ¾ c. water to brittle stage or about 270°F. Add gelatine to syrup and stir until well dissolved. Color half green and flavor with peppermint. Color half red and flavor with wintergreen. Pour into shallow pans to depth of ¼ inch. When set cut into squares with hot knife. Roll in powdered sugar.

Cinnamon Nuts

1 c. sugar ½ tsp. vanilla
¼ c. water 1 ½ c. nut meats—walnuts best
½ tsp. cinnamon ⅛ tsp. cream of tartar

Boil sugar, water, cream of tartar and cinnamon until it has reached the firm ball stage. It will just spin a thread when tested with a spoon. Cool slightly, add vanilla and nut meats and beat until it sugars and the nuts break apart.

Glace Nuts

½ c. boiling water ⅓ tsps. cream of tartar
1 c. sugar

Put ingredients in smooth sauce pan and stir until it begins to boil. Boil slowly until the syrup begins to discolor which is 310°F. Remove sauce pan from fire, place in pan of cold water to stop