Page:Cakes, cookies and confections.djvu/70

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cracks 290-300°F. Add extract and soda and beat for one minute or until it foams up well. Add half of peanuts and pour at once onto well buttered slab and roll out very thin. Stick the remaining peanuts on top. When cool break into pieces.

Peanut Brittle I

2 c. sugar ¼ tsp. salt
1 qt. nut meats

Shell, skin and chop coarsely the peanuts. Sprinkle with salt.

Melt sugar in perfectly smooth kettle such as an iron or aluminum frying pan, stirring constantly so that it carmelizes evenly. Add nuts and pour at once into well buttered tins.

Other nuts may be used instead of peanuts such as pecans, almonds or walnuts.

Peanut Brittle II

3 c. sugar ¾ c. glucose
4 tbsp. butter 2 level tsp. soda
1 ⅓ c. water ¾ lb. peanut meats

Boil sugar, glucose and water to hard crack or 275°F. Add butter and soda. Beat well, pour over peanuts scattered in well greased pans.

Scotch Kisses

1 c. brown sugar 1 can dray marshmallows
1 tbsp. butter ½ tbsp. vinegar
½ c. water

Boil sugar, water, butter and vinegar to soft crack when tested in cold water or 290°F. Remove from fire, drop in marshmallows one at a